GPP: Our Children Need To Play!

Rain, Rain, Go Away…Our Children Need to Play!

rain kid croppedYour child should get some outdoor time every day, even when the weather is less than ideal. It is recommended that infants receive at least one-hour outdoors each day while toddlers and older children have a minimum of 90 minutes outside. The time spent outside can include active free play, outdoor center time like gardening or nature walks with family.

Physical activity outside releases endorphins which make children happy, it also helps to support:

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  • physical development
  • weight management
  • gross and fine motor skills
  • creativity


Do You Know If Your Child Receives Daily Outdoor Time in Child Care? Ask Your Child Care Professional… [su_list icon="icon: angle-right"]

  • Does your child care provider provide daily outdoor time? If so, how much?
  • What is the policy on going outside when it is rainy or cold?
  • If your child is an infant, how is their outdoor time spent?
  • Visit the outdoor area to ensure that all of the play equipment is well maintained and safe.


Need Some Indoor Play Ideas?

There are times when the weather is too dangerous for outdoor time. You can still arrange indoor active play.

Birth to 1 Splash Time! Grab a baking tray, thick towels, and regular bath toys. Allow them to play in the water during some tummy time. Throw down a blanket and enjoy the moment together. Your baby will love the closeness!
1 to 2 Give your child a paper towel roll to talk through. Model quiet, loud, squeaky and laughing sounds. Take turns leading the noises. Play circle games such as Duck, Duck Goose, Simon Says, or Follow the Leader.
2 to 3 Put on some music and let's dance together. Grab the laundry basket and some soft balls or socks for a game of toss.
3 to 4 Grab the laundry basket and some soft balls or socks for a game of toss. How about games of indoor Twister, build an obstacle course, or follow along with a kid’s yoga video?
4 to 5 Host your own yoga class. Use a free app or video. Create an obstacle course indoors with your chairs, tables, blankets, pillows, or hula hoops!

Need More Information?

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